duminică, 27 martie 2011

Macking a Special Necklace

CursivOk. I am pretty certain that you can be sure enough that you know your name ( you do know your name, don`t you?). Well. What I`m gonna do is, I`m gonna teach you how to make a special treat for yourself. First you need some really tick paper, scisors, colored and normal pencils and a piece of string.

1) First make a hole in the thick paper so that the string will go through it ( the string has to be about 20 cm long )

2) Cut the paper until it`ll be about 5 cm wide and 13 cm long.

3) Now decorate it with the pencils and pens and don`t forget to wright your name on it.

4) Now you can put this thing wherever you want, so it can be either your bag, door, neck ( if you had a longer piece of string) and other places you can think of.

sâmbătă, 5 februarie 2011

Pokemon Facts

Gotta say: It`s pretty nice having all this things about Pokemon all around us, but sometimes we are a bit puzzled by `em. That`s no problem for me at least. Pokemon facts are here when ya need `em!!! All you have to do is to have a loof around my blog. It`ll be great finding and sharing all the things I know about Pokemon with ya your friends!!! Oh! And if you want to be an interested person of me blog, don`t be shy! Ya are welcome to join in!!!

marți, 4 ianuarie 2011

Find out more about Dialga and The Legendary Pokemon

Dialga is one of my fav. Pokemon in the whole Pokemon world! So if you wanna find out more about her, READ ON!!!
How about starting with a nice story? It will at least tell you some cool stuff about it that I bet you didnt know before!

The War Pokemon
One million years ago, after the dinosaurs and before any other creature that ever walked on the Earth, there were other fierce beasts ruling over our world. They were called THE POKEMONS.
They were powerful, clever,vigilant,fast, unique, beautiful, faithful, loyal, but most of all, they had SUPER POWERS. They could do anything they wanted as long as they weren`t knoked out by one of they`re enemies. Every Pokemon faught for the throne, until one day, the best Pokemons got picked to rule. However, there were far too many "best" Pokemons, so they decided to divide everything equally... Dialga got the time, Palkia the shapes of things, Arceus our Universe, Geratina the other Universe, Rayquaza the air and the atmosphere of the planets and last, but NOT least, Suicune got all the water that ever existed, which everybody knows that it is the most important resource that ever existed. Those Pokemon were called the LEGENDARY POKEMONS, and they were kings on top of the other Pokemons that meant almost nothing to them. And that is why the war had begun..........
Five years later, the war was over, but unfourtnetly, although the legendary Pokemons were undistructable, they got defeated, mostly beacause that the normal Pokemons were nine million and they were only six... Well, the only survivor was Dialga, amongst the last five normal Pokemons. she fled because, and only because, she knew that she could not possibly win, plus she knew that there was no need to go through all these....
The last legendary Pokemon concentrated and put all her powers together and... PUUSH!!!...

Five years before the war, Dialga told everybody what would happen and told them that they should treat all the other Pokemons the same way that THEY would want to be treated... and it worked. Dialga saved all the legendary pokemons as well as the normal ones... well, until the other HUGE volcanic explosion begun and they became exctinc... However, the legendary Pokemon remaind, even today, they are still watchig you and me and all of us...